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OMK is a member of National Maritime Section NSZZ Solidarność Affiliated to ITF and ETF
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UWAGA lista najnowszych JOB SCAMS
W oparciu o informacje z ITF, zamieszczamy poniżej kilka adresów i domen, których należy się wystrzegać.

Przypominamy o możliwości zgłaszania do OMK, wszelkich prób wyłudzeń, które sprawdzimy jak i przekażemy dalej jako alert.




Fake company offering non-existent jobs Cork Maritime Ltd ( 


Fake bank which is part of a scam with two other fake websites for Emirate Marine Oil Services ( and Cally Travels Agency ( The scam offers a fake job and then directs the worker to the travel agency to pay for fake visa, work permits etc. and then attempts to get the seafarers to create bank accounts at the fake bank, National Trust Bank (

Email addresses being used include:






If you are unsure about a job offer or payments you are being asked to make to secure a job, visa etc, please email us at


Fake company offering non-existent jobs Emirate Marine Oil Services ( Part of the process is to direct the seafarer to contact a fake travel agency and charge seafarers for fake visas etc

·         Cally Travels Agency ( 

Email addresses being used include:





If you are unsure about a job offer or payments you are being asked to make to secure a job, visa etc, please email us at


Fake company offering non-existent jobs Gulf Waves Petroleum Services LLC ( and (  Part of the process is to direct the seafarer to contact fake visa/immigration companies and charge seafarers for fake visas.

Email addresses being used are:

Moon-Link Travels & Tourism LLC (


If you are unsure about a job offer or payments you are being asked to make to secure a job, visa etc, please email us at



Typically a seafarer responds to a job offer, and then receives an email from (one thing worth remembering, large companies NEVER use Gmail, Yahoo email addresses when recruiting).

Once a seafarer accepts the job offer they are asked to make payment for a Overseas Workers Health Insurance Certificate through a fake organisation called the International Workers Assurance Company (domain registered by cosmotown inc) Inc. whose fake website is at, and which is a copy of a legitimate website.

On the emails from the scammers they list the real Scorpio Tankers website but also copy in people like 



The website at (domain registered by eNOM, Inc) is fake.  It has been created to support a scam offering non-existent jobs.


Fake website at and a fake email address of being used to scam seafarers for non-existent jobs and charging £400 for fake visas.

Search for Foster Green Shipping Ltd on the Scam Alerts page for further information

If you are unsure about a job offer or payments you are being asked to make to secure a job, visa etc, please email us at



Fake jobs being advertised with company called Foster Green Shipping Ltd using the email addresses of and

The scam typically is that an offer of a job is received and then you are asked to contact a visa agency to apply for a visa, at which point you are asked to pay money. If you receive any offer or request for payment from these email addresses please do not engage with them.  Email address being used is

The website is fake 

If you are unsure about a job offer or payments you are being asked to make to secure a job, visa etc, please email us at



Fake jobs are being offered through email an address that looks like it has come from the real company.  Email addresses being used are:

  • (notice the second L in emeralld)

These email addresses are NOT connected to the real Emerald Cruises company.  The legitimate website for Emerald Cruises can be found at

If you are unsure about a job offer or payments you are being asked to make to secure a job, visa etc, please email us at



The scam typically is that an offer of a job is received and then you are asked to contact the UK Immigration office to apply for a national Insurance number, at which point you are asked to pay money. If you receive any offer or request for payment from these email addresses please do not engage with them.  Email addresses being used are:


If you are unsure about a job offer or payments you are being asked to make to secure a job, visa etc, please email us at



The scam typically is that an offer of a job is received and then you are asked to contact the UK Immigration office to apply for a national Insurance number, at which point you are asked to pay money. If you receive any offer or request for payment from these email addresses please do not engage with them.  Email addresses being used are:


If you are unsure about a job offer or payments you are being asked to make to secure a job, visa etc, please email us at



Fake company offering non-existent jobs Al Najib Oil and Construction Group Abu-Dhabi ( Part of the process is to direct the seafarer to contact fake visa/immigration companies and charge seafarers for fake visas.

  • Pace-Fly Immigrations Services (

If you are unsure about a job offer or payments you are being asked to make to secure a job, visa etc, please email us at



OMK NEWS - Twoje źródło informacji na morzu. Informujemy, że wysłaliśmy na wskazane adresy e-mail kolejne wydanie OMK NEWS - Twoje źródło wiadomości na morzu w formie pdf.
Miałeś wypadek na statku, nie posiadasz informacji związanej z ubezpieczeniem, masz problemy z uzyskaniem odszkodowania, armator odrzuca roszczenia powypadkowe ? Pamiętaj o OMK.
System zatrudnienia polskich marynarzy pod banderą DIS przynosi wiele zapytań i niepewności związanych z interpretacją warunków zatrudnienie, szczególnie częścią związaną z zabezpieczeniem społecznym i innymi świadczeniami wynikającymi z przepisów duńskich.
Po masowych zwolnieniach z pracy marynarzy brytyjskich w P&O i zastąpieniu ich blisko 800 tańszymi pracownikami zatrudnionymi za połowę minimalnej stawki godzinowej na wydłużonych kontraktach, pojawiły się sygnały o wzroście płac i przywróceniu normalnych rotacji 14/14 dni.
Akcja duńskich dokerów i międzynarodowa solidarność zapewniają lepsze warunki dla marynarzy
Zapraszamy na ogólnopolską akcję protestacyjną, która odbędzie się w Warszawie w dniu 10 maja 2024r.
Rynek pracy dla marynarzy
Prowadzimy portal pracy dla marynarzy, udzielamy porad prawnych oraz śledzimy i opiniujemy nowe przepisy prawne odnosząc je do sytuacji marynarzy. Wspieramy w trudnych sytuacjach, kontaktujemy i uczestniczymy w negocjacjach z pracodawcami.
Organizacja Marynarzy Kontraktowych
Przynależność do OMK można traktować jako Ubezpieczenie od nieszczęśliwych wypadków i zdarzeń podczas pracy na morzu. Istotna jest także ochrona praw marynarzy. Życie stwarza różne niespodzianki i nawet najlepszym z nas, pracującym dla najlepszych armatorów może sprawić niezłego psikusa.
Materiały do pobrania
Udostępniamy publikacje do przeglądania offline (Biuletyn Morski), formularze i inne materiały. Zobacz galerię zdjęć z akcji i wydarzeń.
Warto wiedzieć
Garść najbardziej przydatnych porad dla marynarzy
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