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Otrzymaliśmy wyjaśnienie z Ryan Ship Management w sprawie dyskryminacji polskich marynarzy.
Firma Ryan Ship Management z Ukrainy umieściła w marcu ogłoszenie o treści "Chcemy uniknąć zatrudnienia polskich marynarzy, na ile to tylko możliwe" . Pisaliśmy o tym fakcie na FB i na naszej stronie internetowej 15/04

Bylismy w stałym kontakcie z kolegami ze zwiazku zawodowego RMT z UK, który obejmuje swoją działalnością związkową marynarzy z UK pracujących dla tego armatora, złożyliśmy pismo wyrażające sprzeciw wobec niedopuszczalnych praktyk naruszajacych dobre imię polskich marynarzy.

W dniu dziisjejszym otrzymaliśmy wyjaśnienie od Dyrektora oddziału Ryan Ship Management na Ukrainie Robina Tewari.

Poniżej treść:

OMK NSZZ Solidarnosc

Dear Mr. Listewnik,

Thank you for taking the time to write to us and affording me the opportunity to explain the full situation; how the situation arose, how it was immediately dealt with and what measures have been put in place to ensure such an occurrence can never happen again. | will then go on to address some of the specific requests contained within your letter.

What actually happened:

On 19** March 2019, one of our junior coordinators in Ryan Ship Management Ukraine posted the job offer in question on an online job portal. Unfortunately, before posting it he did not get it internally vetted, nor did he proof read it and do the usual checks we would expect, such as ensuring the advert content was correct in terms of information, grammar and spelling.

Had the usual vetting been done he would have undoubtedly come to notice the unacceptable inclusion regarding Polish Seafarers before posting the job offer and removed it.

How we dealt with it and actions taken:

Whilst the initial slip up was purely a result of human error and judgement, and as such my young colleague was unaware of the huge mistake that had been made at the time, early morning of the 20** March we woke to a complaint, which immediately flagged up the issue.

The first thing we did was to immediately amend the advert and remove the unacceptable, offensive inclusion within the job offer.

We also made a point of immediately offering our apologies for the slip and the obvious offence that had been unintentionally caused and assure that corrective measures had been taken to immediately address the issue.

I personally issued an apology to the complainants who had taken the time to email us, thankfully drawing our attention to the issue and allowing us to act immediately. I also personally issued an apology on 3 Linkedin posts which had also mentioned the slip up.

whilst the actual job offer and offensive wording originated from outside of our organisation, I felt it important to issue an immediate apology and acknowledge the slip up from our side which had led to such offence being caused and offer our wholehearted apology for our part in this. | also wanted to assure the individual complainants and the wider community that we fully accept that our > — Ryan Ship Management

Ryan Ship Management Company Number- 39402112

ISO 9001:2015 Malaya Arnautskaya 93, Odessa, Ukraine. Website: P.O. Box 65020. Telephone: +38(095) 294 88 99 Email: office

mistake had led to such offence but to also assure that this was in no way representative of Ryan Ship Management Ukraine or what we stand for.

Simultaneously, we immediately investigated how the mistake had come to happen and immediately put an extra level of job offer filtering and checking to ensure that such occurrence can NEVER happen again! All job postings must now be verified, authorised and signed off by our office manager prior to posting anywhere, on any platform, by any member of staff.

We are a very honest and ethical organisation and cater for all nationalities and heritages. We did not try to brush this under the carpet, hide or run away from the situation, we fully accepted responsibility for our slip up. | can assure you that we are hugely embarrassed by this whole situation and are devastated with the impact the mistake had, especially to the Polish community. We consider ourselves multi national and global citizens and we have placed many, many Polish Seafarers around the world, the last thing we would ever wish for would be to offend any of these good people or indeed the wider Seafaring community.

Alongside our own apologies as a company, I would also like to express the great individual regret and sorrow of my young colleague for the hurt and offence his initial action sadly caused and assure you that the he was truly mortified by his mistake. He has been left in no doubt as to the gravity of his mistake and the impact it has had. He is however a fine young man who in no way supports or aligns himself with the wording or insinuation of the offensive job offer, it was just a genuine lapse on his part. We as an organisation and as colleagues shall do all we can to support his development and guide him in all that he does.

Company policies:

In relation to your request in relation to Ryan Ship Management policies, please let me take an excerpt from our Quality System Manual (Quality Policy):

"The policy of Ryan Ship Management is to provide quality manning services to our clients in the most efficient and effective manner and to Seafarers the best possible/available jobs within the marine industry for which they are competent and suitable for”.

"Whilst meeting the challenging requirements of the marine industry we ensure compliance with STCW 78 as amended in 2010 for all the Seafarers recruited and placed by us in compliance with MLC 2006 regulation 1.4”. 2 Ryan Ship Management

Ryan Ship Management Company Number- 39402112

ISO 9001:2015 Malaya Arnautskaya 93, Odessa, Ukraine. Website: P.O. Box 65020. Telephone: +38(095) 294 88 99 Email: office Q©

In relation to MLC 2006 regulation 1.4, please see below excerpt from our Quality System Manual (relating to discriminatory practice):

"To ensure that, no means, mechanism or lists intended to prevent or deter seafarers from gaining employment would be used. The recruitment should be carried out without any discriminatory policy or bias based on race, color, sex, religion, political opinion, national extraction or social origin. However, any distinction or preference in respect of a particular job based on the inherent requirements thereof shall not be deemed to be discrimination.

With regards your request for cessation of such actions towards Polish Seafarers, please be assured that we never have and never will engage in discrimination against any nationality or heritage, Polish or otherwise. We believe our multinational, multicultural approach aligns us very well with the multinational nature of our industry and we confirm that the freedom of association of Seafarers is fully recognised and supported.

We have had to endure a lot of criticism and in some instances abuse over the past 4 weeks or so as a result of this unfortunate event, although we have humbly accepted it and looked to conduct ourselves in an orderly and dignified manner as always. We sincerely hope that one careless slip up would not be seen to undo the continuous hard work and development we strive for every day to provide the very best service to Seafarers worldwide.

Once more, thank you for giving us this opportunity to fully explain the situation and I hope our actions, interventions and sincerest apologies are accepted.

Please find attached:

e Quality Policy e Recruitment and placement policy e Office Anti-harassment and discrimination policy

Thank you and very best regards. Robin Tewari. Managing Director.

Ryan Ship Management Ukraine.

Robin Tewari


Ryan Ship Management


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Rynek pracy dla marynarzy
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Organizacja Marynarzy Kontraktowych
Przynależność do OMK można traktować jako Ubezpieczenie od nieszczęśliwych wypadków i zdarzeń podczas pracy na morzu. Istotna jest także ochrona praw marynarzy. Życie stwarza różne niespodzianki i nawet najlepszym z nas, pracującym dla najlepszych armatorów może sprawić niezłego psikusa.
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